OCTOBER 19th 2024
Curated by Sonny O’Brien and Jake Sun
House Conspiracy presents a group exhibition in celebration of the 100th anniversary of Andre Breton's first Surrealist Manifesto.
The influence that a century of Surrealism has had on contemporary life and art is inestimable, and so too are the benefits of the emancipatory tools the movement's pioneers helped bring to attention and action. Cycles of Surrealism celebrates this momentous centennial as an expression of gratitude for the efforts of those thus far (both recognised and not) whom have carried the torch, but also as a significant opportunity to connect with some sparks of a persistently burning reminder; Surrealism lives!
In life, as in dream, Surrealism refuses to be relegated to or dictated by the past, for the present necessity for fanning the flames of emancipatory action and relation is far too vital.
Exhibiting Artists:
Dylan Browne
Capi Cartillier
Emily Devers
Kailum Graves
Isabel Haqqani
Callum Jubb
Vanessa Marie P
Emily Marszalek
Abby Murray
Sonny O’Brien
Glen O’Malley
Sean Prentis
Bonnie Qin
elo rolandsen
Jake Sun
Claudia Thorp
Chloe Tizzard
Aaron Topp
Ruby Ursula
Caity Webster
plus more to be announced…
We acknowledge that this event will take place on the stolen lands of the Jagera and Turrbal people. Their sovereignty was never ceded. It always was and always will be Aboriginal land.