
Original Ethos of space.

Original Ethos of space.


In a time when every new restaurant, eatery, or small artisanal store is plastered with feature walls and street art, and you're sitting in that store and your phone is buzzing at 90 second intervals, and Triple J is playing over the store radio while you have a podcast in one ear as you make the next six hours' to-do list—perhaps in a time such as this, the more radical thing to do is to leave a blank space, to let your environment breathe and have a simple life of its own. We do not need more noise. We need instead wider spaces between things, larger calms and smaller storms. House Conspiracy cannot simply be another loud thing competing for attention; we have enough of that already. Instead, let's make a place where we want to be—a place that is considered, and which understands perhaps the importance of breath.